Find out more about our partners, ranging from Driving Mobility, Remap and Bugzi to IT specialists, designers and medical practitioners to help us to continue to deliver driving freedom.

Remap custom-makes equipment to help disabled people live more independent lives
Remap is a national charity that works through local groups of skilled volunteers. We help disabled people achieve independence and a better quality of life by designing and making equipment for their individual needs. This custom made equipment helps people to carry out essential daily tasks without having to ask for help, or helps them take part in leisure occupations or sports that would otherwise be impossible.

Remap was formed in 1964 by Pat Johnson an ICI employee. Pat’s sister had polio as a child and this presented her with physical problems in managing day-to-day life.
Pat’s sister used a wheelchair but had upper body movement. As a widow she relied on her children and neighbours for help with day to day living. She even needed help getting her wheelchair down the steps to go to the shops. Having acquired some scrap timber Pat built a wooden ramp to his sister’s front door and also installed an electric hoist, with a runway above the ceiling in the hall and bathroom of her bungalow.
His sister was overjoyed with the ramp and hoist and they immediately gave her a level of independence she has never enjoyed before. Pat was so impressed with the huge change this relatively simple solution made to his sister’s life that resolved to bring similar changes to other people’s lives.
The changes he made to his sister’s house led to the concept of forming Remap and soon other ICI engineers became involved and helped to develop the idea further.
Remap grew steadily to where it is today, covering the whole of the UK, helping over 3,500 people every year to become more independent. Find out more about their work on the Remap website.

Fire Squared Ltd
Fire Squared design intuitive websites that solve problems, increase visitors and improve ranking in search engines.
Who are we
Fire Squared is a digital design studio in Milton Keynes. Our focus is on immaculate design, creative ideas and achieving business goals through your website and other digital media. We have over twenty years experience providing bespoke web and digital solutions, helping our clients develop their ideas into a reality.
Our approach
We work closely with you from day one to discover how your website can be a benefit to your business, without resorting to techno-babble, buzz words or quick fixes. Simply put, we help you clearly define what your website needs to do and create a plan of action to get it done.
What we do
Corporate style websites, e-commerce websites, membership based website and WordPress based websites. We provide a full agency solution of design, development, delivery, hosting, support and SEO.