It’s time to meet our newest team member, an all-electric Mazda MX-30… It even had a twinkle in its eye for the photo! 🤩 😉
Herts Ability continues to support your independence. At the same time, we support the environment by going green! 🌿
Not only does the Mazda look great, it also drives great and can support your return to driving following injury or illness.
Oh, and did we mention it’s fitted with push / pull hand controls, a left foot accelerator pedal, an accelerator over-ring and a range of steering aids with secondary controls!
Fun Fact! This is the fourth green car on the fleet at Herts Ability, with two Hybrid Toyota Corollas and a Ford Focus ‘mild hybrid’.
All of our cars are modern, comfortable and acquired with our clients in mind.
What’s more, the fleet has a dedicated team of Occupational Therapists and Specialist Driving Instructors operating it to ensure you get the best service possible.
Our new team member will serve anyone from learner drivers just getting started to the experienced driver needing a check up! 🚘
To book your lessons or assessment in our EV ⤵️
📲 01707 324 581