“Made my day… Made my year!” 

“Made my day… Made my year!” 

Thank you to Mohammed Ahmed for this top testimonial – given in our adapted vehicle after finding out he was ‘Fit to Drive’! Here’s what he thought of the assessment process and the help he received from Herts Ability! 🗣

🚘 Mr Ahmed’s story: From adaptations to driving success! 🚘

March 2022, following sepsis, 36 year old Mr Ahmed – known as Junaid – had extensive surgery. This included amputation of his left arm above elbow, right leg below knee and his left toes. 

He now mobilises using a prosthesis and a stick. He was very keen to return to driving and came to Herts Ability for an assessment to look at and try vehicle adaptations.

Mr Ahmed trialled a left foot accelerator pedal (left foot used for accelerating and braking) in an automatic transmission vehicle and a steering aid with a 10-way keypad control. 

He drove using these adaptations in a quiet housing area for approximately 30 minutes and very quickly gained a degree of proficiency with the controls, such that he was able to progress onto faster roads. 

It was quickly apparent that due to his previous experience of rally driving, he was able to use the new method of control and that he did not require a period of tuition to gain confidence and skill. That is very rare. He then completed the full standardised assessment route, displaying full physical control and the necessary cognitive skills to drive safely. 

Mr Ahmed successfully passed today and is now planning to get a car adapted so that he can return to driving as soon as possible.

Well done Mr Ahmed and congratulations from all the team at Herts Ability! 

As always, Herts Ability is happy to help with any request you have – Our aim is to help YOU get back on the road! 

If you have a physical impairment and you want to try driving with a different method of vehicle control, with Herts Ability you’ll be given the opportunity to drive vehicles fitted with adaptations! Also, if you would like to book an assessment or would like more information on how an assessment can benefit you, please call us on 01707 324 581 or email driving@hertsability.org.uk

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