GBS/CIDP Awareness Month

May marks the start of GBS/CIDP Awareness Month! Herts Ability client Claire, who was recently declared ‘Fit to Drive’ at our Harlow Centre, has this important message for our friends and followers…

“Four years ago, I noticed occasional pins and needles in my feet and thought nothing of it. 

Six months later, no longer able to stand, walk, feed myself or care for myself in any way I was admitted to the National Hospital for Neurology & Neurosurgery in London where I remained for six months, followed by a month-long stay in a neuro rehab unit at the Wellington Hospital. 

Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy NF155 CIDP was the diagnosis. 

I remain (quite likely permanently) disabled by this debilitating autoimmune disease. 

I feel it’s important to raise awareness of this disease, and its acute sibling GBS Guillain-Barre Syndrome. 

Prior to becoming unwell with a rare autoimmune condition, CIDP, I had been a competent and confident driver for over 40 years.

I became disabled through my illness, and there was a question mark over whether I would be able to walk again, never mind return to driving.

With a treatment that helped me recover some of my ability, my neurologist said he thought I could look into returning to driving.

The idea of getting back some sort of independence was fantastic, so I contacted Herts Ability to see what the process would be.

It was very straightforward and they were able to answer all my questions and help with my concerns, so I decided there was nothing to lose and to go ahead.”

Herts Ability offers a great service which is professional, helpful, friendly, understanding and supportive.”

Head to the GBS/CIDP Foundation International website for more information on how you can help to raise awareness during this important month!

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